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Check out many opportunities to serve!
My willow tree is my gentle and beautiful warning to dig deeper into the truth today. Instead of distracting avenues of seeming fulfillment, I focus today on deep spiritual truths. For when the storm comes, I want to be found in the pruning and not in the ruining.
"May God arise, may his enemies be scattered; May his foes flee before him." Psalm 68:1 With Spring Break upon us and so many returning after a warm stay near the beach, I itch to get my own toes in the sand. Last year at the ocean, I vividly remember watching a scene...
I was born for this. I'm convinced. It's been over a year since inviting a group of women to dive into the Word of God with me IN PERSON! These women leaned in with heavy loads and walked away, arm in arm with each other and in step with Jesus. They confided in each...
“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:8 Belly laughs and giggles erupted from our son’s bedroom, so I peered my head around the door jam. Four kids sat on his bed while he proudly displayed a flannel shirt on its...
One-minute Bible study tips help you get the most of your Bible reading time through specific, informative videos!
Are you struggling this Easter season with the despair of Covid-19? Be encouraged by the women closest to Jesus who knew despair and clung to Jesus anyway.
I"m a little behind on getting our Christmas greeting cards down. It's like I run out of steam after the tree and lights are put away and I actually kinda like these smiling faces greeting me every time I open my pantry! Instead of tossing or storing the greeting...
Your Table Consider: God’s Christmas Company reappears over and over and over again in Scripture. The Bible contains His divine revelation for us, but episodes throughout include our interpersonal relationships and extending invitations of the gospel to the...
Transformed Consider: The Magi sought out the King of the Jews and brought gifts fit for a king. During their trek, I imagine they anticipated what it might be like to meet this king. When they arrived, instead of royal flattery, they found a humble king with great...