First Mennonite Church Junior High Youth Retreat – Kokomo, Indiana

First Mennonite Church Junior High Youth Retreat in Kokomo, Indiana. Pre-registered youth from this church will be gathered to serve and learn on a three day retreat. Lana will share three sessions with these pre-teens and teens. The titles of the sessions are: Life’s Not Fair, People are Weird, and Love is the Bottom Line. […]

Leaning In Bible Study – July 19

The Table 127 E Jackson, Monroe, IN, United States

Leaning In Bible Study at The Table in downtown Monroe, Indiana. Women from the community are invited to a refreshing night of digging into God’s Word to hear His voice. Through guided instruction, women will learn how to ask questions and find answers in the Bible. Light refreshments begin at 7 and the study will […]

Leaning In Bible Study – August 9

The Table 127 E Jackson, Monroe, IN, United States

Leaning In Bible Study at The Table in downtown Monroe, Indiana. Women from the community are invited to a refreshing night of digging into God’s Word to hear His voice. Through guided instruction, women will learn how to ask questions and find answers in the Bible. Light refreshments begin at 7 and the study will […]

Girls’ Night Out

The Table 127 E Jackson, Monroe, IN, United States

Join Lana as she unpacks God's word for your life. Light snacks and printed material available. Just bring your Bible, a journal and pen, and an eager heart! Scripture and topic to be determined.

Sonlight Wesleyan Women’s Retreat

Lana will share "Your Go-To Girls" based on the story of Mary and Elizabeth in Luke's gospel. Join the women at Sunlight Wesleyan in Bluffton, Indiana to hear this message and learn a biblical model for friendship among Christian women.

Lessons from Kings- Part 1

First Mennonite Church Berne, IN, United States

Lana's study in the Historical books this term at Moody Bible Institute proves there is more than meets the eye to these Old Testament books! Listen as she shares a three part series in the church chapel and applies the work of the kings to applicable principles for the believer today.

Lessons From Kings- Part 2

First Mennonite Church Berne, IN, United States

Lana's study in the Historical books this term at Moody Bible Institute proves there is more than meets the eye to these Old Testament books! Listen as she shares a three part series in the church chapel and applies the work of the kings to applicable principles for the believer today.

Lessons From Kings- Part 3

First Mennonite Church Berne, IN, United States

Lana's study in the Historical books this term at Moody Bible Institute proves there is more than meets the eye to these Old Testament books! Listen as she shares a three part series in the church chapel and applies the work of the kings to applicable principles for the believer today.

Pre-Christmas Therapy Bible Study

The Table 127 E Jackson, Monroe, IN, United States

This stand-alone Bible study covering the Christmas story will challenge the audience to think about their Christmas company in comparison to the company surrounding the birth of Jesus. Lana's study includes a chance for women to discuss the Christmas season as a platform for ministry. Anyone who sends an RSVP receives a free gift from […]