“Go-To Girls” Bible Study

The Table 127 E Jackson, Monroe, IN, United States

Elizabeth's example in Luke 1 shows women today how to be bold in friendship. Week 5 in this study series will explore when and how to step out in bold truth with a friend.

“Go-To Girls” Bible Study

The Table 127 E Jackson, Monroe, IN, United States

Elizabeth's example in Luke 1 shows women today how to be bold in friendship. Week 5 in this study series will explore when and how to step out in bold truth with a friend.

“Go-To Girls” Bible Study

The Table 127 E Jackson, Monroe, IN, United States

The last week in this study explores how to really be the best kind of friend. It's the hardest lesson to implement, but the most effective when intentionally engaged. Elizabeth models it, Mary echoes it, and the New Testament requires it over and over and over again.

“Go-To Girls” Bible Study

The Table 127 E Jackson, Monroe, IN, United States

The last week in this study explores how to really be the best kind of friend. It's the hardest lesson to implement, but the most effective when intentionally engaged. Elizabeth models it, Mary echoes it, and the New Testament requires it over and over and over again.

Adoptive Moms Group

I will share a short devotional at our local adoptive mom's group. The topic for today is "chosen" or being called and remembering the call to something specific like adoption.

Esther Bible Study

Week 1 of a six-week study with a large group of gals from Pleasant Dale Church nearby.

Publication Deadline

I'll be working this week to publish a devotional and additional content for our church publication, "The Update."

Mission Statement Event

I am participating in a women's event to construct a mission statement for my life and ministry!

Esther Bible Study

Session 2 of a six-session Bible study about Esther. This study is for a group of gals from Pleasant Dale Church.