
Easter 2020: The Women Who Knew

Apr 10, 2020 | Blog | 0 comments


How do you feel today? How’s it going on this Easter weekend with “stay-at-home” orders? How are you holding up physically, mentally, and spiritually?

I’ve struggled. Physically, I gotta talk myself into adequate hygiene every day (well, some days have proven utter failure) with exercise and.eating in moderation. Mentally, I whisper pep talks to myself saying things like, “Chin up, girl, make it to bedtime.” Spiritually, I  redirect words and thoughts from Facebook to words of truth from the Good Book. It’s been a battle.

I’m here, though, writing to you, wanting to stay faithful in service to you, to my family, and most importantly to God. I committed to writing this post early in the week and God met me Friday morning with a message for me and for you.

On the morning of Good Friday, I read in Matthew 27 about the death of Jesus, The women, closest to Jesus, “ministering to him” (v. 55), followed Him even after His death. When every hope seemed lost, when the disciples left snd the citizens shouted “Crucify!” the women stayed near and watched on. Their faithfulness eventually guided them to that famous empty tomb. Their ministry to Jesus did not waver even when their beloved Messiah seemed to fail them and the world around them crumbled. The women’s hope did not depend on visible circumstances, they held a much greater hope and a faith willing to serve beyond human life itself.

The ladies, the “Mary’s,” from Matthew 27 inspire me today amid this Easter season coinciding with the virus season and my struggles to stay faithful.

The women never left.

They kept an eye on their Messiah.

I am inspired to do the same, to keep my eye on Jesus even when my day looks dismal. When it appears fear and sickness and isolation are winning, how close do I stick to my Savior?

The result of this level of faithfulness gave the women closest to Jesus a first-hand account of the empty tomb and the realities of a Resurrected King! They ministered through the disappointment, through the apparent failure, against the message of the masses. I want to dwell near Jesus through my own disappointments, through my own failures, and live a life shouting hope against the masses’ message of despair. Faithfulness today results in victory for the believer in any battle. Thank you, Jesus!

The women staying near to Jesus didn’t have to know Sunday was coming, they only knew Jesus was their everything. His power and love reached into their lives, evoking tender care in return. In contrast, today, I know all about Sunday! I have no choice, but to cling to Jesus as my everything. When I stay near, the victory is mine!  Dwelling near sometimes proves difficult, but a life devoted to Jesus and ministry for His glory results in a resurrected life!

This Easter weekend, be encouraged by the women who lived this day over 2,000 years ago. Stay near to Jesus, even in your disappointments, even on your hardest days. The result will surely grant you a first-hand account of the power of Jesus! We observe the horrific sacrifice of Jesus on Friday, but Sunday is coming full of power, freedom, and victory! The women closest to Jesus knew how to follow intently, demonstrating this life of devotion for us today so we can live it too.


It’s certainly going to be a “Happy Easter 2020!”



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